Each technology ‘captures’ a performance, translates that performance into digital information, and recodes that performance into another body. While these technologies might initially seem quite dissimilar, they each produce a human–machine assemblage that enacts itself across different scales. Over the last two decades, the technologies of performance capture and robotic surgery have increased in both use and visibility. This way, we seek to extend and deepen knowledge of the cinematic interval." Then, we will compare the differences and analogies of their philosophical meanings to the cinematic ones. In order to understand and specify the characteristics of the interval in cinema, we propose to start by analyzing the various concepts of the interval in philosophy. Thus, intervals between shots cause changes and internal transformations which participate in the harmonization of the film.

Norman McLaren also explains that « animation is therefore the art of manipulating the invisible interstices that lie between frames 2». For Deleuze, « you can bring two instants or two positions together to infinity but movement will always occur in the interval between the two 1».

On the contrary, it is the productive gap that organizes the shift between shots. Vertov’s interval is not determined to create or maintain the illusion of continuity. Vertov defines it as the passage from a shot to another, creating spatio-temporal transformations. In cinema, interval is what separates two photograms or two shots. This Atomist void isn’t considered space or container but an interval that creates a discontinuity between bodies and permits movement thanks to their contiguity or contact. In Occident, the Atomistic Philosophy maintains that nature is only composed of atoms and void. It may also describe minor changes as well as radical transformations. This term refers to the interval, the interstice but also space and boundaries. "When we focus on the notion of interval throughout History, mention should be made of the Japanese concept of Ma.